Urban logistics

A logistic service from start to finish

We offer a total service, from departure to arrival, by providing detailed information on delivery locations in addition to delivery plans and road guidance optimized for each logistics site. This is a service for improving efficiency and flexibility of delivery work.

Logistic services

We want to make mobility enjoyable, seamless and sustainable

Now more than ever, we have the choice to use various solutions to satisfy our mobility needs such as e-bikes, car on demand or car sharing. Along with flexible personal mobility comes an increase in urban logistics which make up a significant share of urban traffic. This increases the pressure on cities and local authorities regarding road and air quality but also on businesses and transport operators concerning the impact on efficiency and delivery times.

Aisin can contribute to improve logistics, mobility and facilitate operations for local businesses and shops with Bridges@ny.

What is it?

Bridges@ny is a logistics platform meeting the demands of several stakeholders simultaneously (cargo owners, operators and businesses). It gives flexibility to change truck allocation plans in real time or simulate different delivery scenarios.

Why do we believe in it?

It reduces the environmental impact by efficiently reducing resource shortages and maximizing truck load volume. This helps cities build smart, efficient and sustainable mobility infrastructure, solving the last mile challenges in urban areas.

If you want to know more, please contact us: