Citizen mobility (Munich)

Ever since its founding in 1868, our university has been at the forefront of innovation. Scientists today have the same goal as their 19th century counterparts: finding solutions to the major challenges facing society as we move forward.

The university was founded to provide the state of Bavaria with a centre of learning dedicated to the natural sciences. It has played a vital role in Europe’s technological advancement and has the prestige of having produced a number of Nobel prize winners.

Founded in 2002 by Susanne Klatten, UnternehmerTUM is the first start-up and innovation centre in Europe with more than 50 high growth technology start-ups proposing a unique range of services.


In this context, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy launched digital Hub De, a start-up network that offers an accelerator program and supports young founders on their first steps towards their own company. 

Climate change, energy transition, resource rarefaction, those are the techno-social challenges that can only be solved through innovation. Entrepreneurship and new technologies are the decisive factors of competition - they create value, jobs and ensure growth. 


Another part of this hub is the Digital Product School (DPS); a full-time training programme by UnternehmerTUM in Munich lasting 3 months. Their goal is to build digital products in a diverse and cross-functional team – to solve real-world problems around mobility and transportation. As part of the Digital Hub Mobility, DPS is connecting companies from the mobility sector with tech projects. 

Aisin is proud to be a member of this synergy, allowing start-ups to grow faster, providing resources and bringing expertise. 




Smart city platform: Toyota’s Woven City